Vaccine is the magic solution for saving the life in humans and animals. The mechanisms of different prepared vaccines immunity against different pathogens are illustrated in figure 1. The different vaccine platforms have their advantages and disadvantages. Live-attenuated platforms offer higher immunogenicity in spite of pose safety concerns due to retained pathogenicity of pathogens. The killed vaccines elicit moderate levels of immunogenicity and higher levels of safety compared to the live attenuated vaccine platforms. [1].
To combat Covid 19 vaccine, the behavioral and therapeutic strategies are essential but they must be accompanied with the long-term goal of a preventative vaccine virus. In the case of COVID-19, the pathogen is the virus SARS-CoV-2, a vaccine can use. A virus that has been modified to be safe or a molecule that resembles a part of the virus. Once antibodies are eliminated, if the vaccinated person is exposed later to the virus, their body will produce those antibodies again, increasing their chances of fighting off infection .Today, there are more than 150 COVID-19 vaccines in the race to mollify the virus. Researchers develop a vaccine candidate similar to that target that will induce production of antibodies effective against the virus. The vaccine candidate is then moved through phases of development, assessment, and approvals