هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلىتحديد اسهامات الجماعات التطوعية في تعزيز قيم المواطنة الرقمية لدى أعضائها کهدف رئيسي وما يتبعه من أهداف فرعية فيما يتعلق بتعزيز قيم المواطنة الرقمية لدى أعضائها نحو (تعليم النفس والتواصل مع الآخرين، احترام النفس والآخرين، حماية النفس والآخرين)،تنتمي هذه الدراسة إلى الدراسات الوصفية حيث توصلت إلى تصور مقترح من منظور طريقة خدمة الجماعة لزيادة فاعلية دور الجماعات التطوعية في تعزيز قيم المواطنة الرقمية لدى أعضائها.
The current study aimed to identify the contributions of volunteer groups in promoting the values of digital citizenship < br /> among their members as a main goal and the sub-goals that follow in terms of promoting the values of digital citizenship < br /> among their members towards (teaching oneself and communicating with others, respecting oneself and others, protecting
oneself and others). The study is based on descriptive studies, where it came up with a proposed perception from
the perspective of the method of group service to increase the effectiveness of the role of volunteer groups in promoting
the values of digital citizenship among their members.
The current study aimed to identify the contributions of volunteer groups in promoting the values of digital citizenship among their members as a main goal and the sub-goals that follow in terms of promoting the values of digital citizenship among their members towards (teaching oneself and communicating with others, respecting oneself and others, protecting oneself and others). The study is based on descriptive studies, where it came up with a proposed perception from the perspective of the method of group service to increase the effectiveness of the role of volunteer groups in promoting the values of digital citizenship among their members.