With increased business and improved technology an Information Technology (IT) System
became possible, and then IT became necessary to have a consistent method of tracking
and maintaining business operations. Later, as customers' expectations changed, IT
became necessary to ensure consistency of meeting customer needs. At a time of soaring
energy costs and fragile financial markets, hotels managers are increasingly looking
toward sustainability strategies to save money and to cut claims. Sustainability in any
hotel can mean small adjustments or a major reorientation. There is no one size fits all
approach to creating a sustainable hotel, but there are specific strategies that have had
widespread success. These strategies can be implemented by IT to put the hotel industry
on a more sustainable path. Worldwide, hotels are now using IT capabilities to facilitate
sustainability. The aim of this study is to draw results that help in knowing the importance
of using IT practices in sustaining the hotel business that increase its performance. It also
seeks to develop IT to achieve wide range of sustainability that match with this century
challenges needs
The data gathered revealed the following:
- Hotels use practices of information technology systems can get a high-quality
performance that help in proper decision-making.
- There is a significant relation between the information technology practices and
keeping the hotel business sustainable.
Based upon the findings of the investigated hotels the following recommendations
could be suggested:
- Identification and implementation of IT practices can help in building a sustainable
competitive advantage for hotels.
- IT is crucial in sharing information and empowering executives.
- Integrating IT globally in sustainability plans is a key in hotel performance