Globalization poses many threats to social policies for the Disabled people, but it also facilitating new links and alliances at a transnational level for instance with the Disabled rights movement, fostered by the UN convention on the rights of people with disabilities.
Disability affects the lives of hundreds of millions people around the world, the disabled people often live on the margins of the society and deprived from most of the life's essential experiences and encounter discrimination, rejection and unequal treatment (Zidan, 2012). However, they hope to get jobs, their own home, and the chance to socialize and vote. People with disabilities are not able to engage in various life realms such as education, employment and community engagement, like people without disabilities and that devalue them both socially and culturally (Marx, Thomese, Verdonschot & Meinniger, 2014). Also impede them from effective participation in society due to social and physical impairments. Thus, they are facing challenges and barriers that prevent them from having services and sufficient support. In this sense, it is conceivable that the disabled people are constitute a community whom are suffering from relative disadvantage and unfavorable comparisons to other groups because of their impairments (Oliver & Barnes, 2010). Disabled People are considered the world's largest and disadvantaged minority (Zidan, 2012). Thus, ensuring equality for the disabled people is an essential facilitator of participation and inclusion in society (Hassan, 2020).