The major aim of any foreign language learning and teaching for both teachers and students is to accomplish effective communication inside and outside the classroom interactions. Learning and teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) is a very enormous field as it includes learning different aspects such as lexical components, phonetics, morphology, writing, speaking, and listening (Goundar, 2019). Folse (2004) explained that learning a language requires learning numerous skills about that language, these include its pronunciation, pragmatics, writing system, syntax, rhetorical modes for reading and composition, culture, and spelling, -; however the most important aspect is vocabulary.
According to Nation (2005), vocabulary is the major part of any language as one cannot express intended ideas, actions or opinions without using words. Nowadays, it is widely approved that vocabulary learning is the main factor in the acquisition of a native language and the learning of a foreign language as well. However, vocabulary learning, and vocabulary retention are yet mattering of difficulty to language learners. The most difficult and challenging issue about vocabulary learning is not its acquisition but its retention or the ability to use them in language (Morra & Camba, 2009).
Learners of foreign language rarely use the language learned in communication outside the classroom. Vocabulary is taught integerated into other skills. Hence, a lot of interest has to be presented to improve the productive vocabulary knowledge as it is the base to master a language especially in written and speaking skills. When teachers fix the level of vocabulary knowledge of learners in an indirect way, the strategies of teaching writing will be acquired efficiently. They also should be creative in giving instruction to fit the level of learners' knowledge (Maskor & Baharudin, 2016). In order to develop learners' word acquisition and use different methods in vocabulary learning, teachers need to manipulate reading skills (Hulstijn, 2001; Webb, 2008; Hulstijn& Laufer, 2001).