Fifteen wheat genotypes were evaluated under normal and water deficit irrigation by using different statistical procedures. The resulted showed that the phenotypic coefficients of variation were high for ash percentage, plant height, spike length and grain yield per plot under normal and water stress irrigation. Genotypic coefficients of variation were high for plant height, spike length and grain yield per plot under normal and water irrigation. positive correlation coefficients were observed under normal and water stress irrigation as follows; position correlation coefficient among number of spikes/m2 each of 100- kernel weight, number of kernels/spike each of 100- kernel weight, number of kernels/spike each of grain weight/plot, 100- kernel weight with grain weight/plot and the last positive correlation coefficient was between Protein percentage with Ash percentage under normal and water deficit irrigation. The direct contribution of 100- kernel weight to grain yield was highest under normal irrigation followed by number of kernels per spike at water deficit. 100- Kernel weight had the highest indirect effect an appreciable indirect effect via a number of kernels per spike under normal irrigation followed by a number of spikes per m2 under normal irrigation. Number of kernels per spike also had an appreciable indirect effect via a number of spikes per m2 at water stress followed by 100- kernel weight of water deficit. The results of the principal component analysis showed that the first two components explained (40.62 and 18.20%) and (32.42% and 22.41%) under normal and water deficit irrigation respectively, of the total variation.