Sixteen soil profiles representing the soils of the area at the western beach of Suez Canal according to the different in sediments and land use period such as alluvial-windborn, and Recent Aeolian sand deposits. Soil classification reveals that soil ranged between Typic Torrifluvents, Typic Torrifluvents, Typic Torriorthents and Typic Torripsamments.
From the physical and chemical characteristics of the soils, the clay distribution is significantly different between high and low parts while there is no significant difference in sand fraction distribution. OM distribution affected by topography, land use and cover vegetation. There is no significant difference in CaCO3 distribution. CEC values differented from parts to another refered to the clay content. Bulk density values differented according to the difference in texture. Stability aggregate values varied from high parts and low parts refered to difference in topography, parent material, period of landuse and clay content. From the study the pervious condition caused increase of the negative effect of wind erosion as well as of environmental protection capacity (EPCG).
Environmental Protection Capacity (EPCG) as a factor to study the wind erosion shows that there is highly significant correlations between EPCG factor and sand, silt, clay OM, CaCO3, CEC, exchangeable (Ca++, Mg++, Na+ and Na+), stability aggregate and bulk density, while no significant correlation with pH, EC and C/N ratio in soils.
Path analyses show that soil properties such as OM, bulk density, clay, dispersion ratio, stability aggregate and CaCO3 have direct effect on the EPCG.