The maneuverability or three ground·drive devices has been investigated
and compared within straight·line and angled traffic passes in the Egyptian rice fleld,
Three series of comparative marteuver lests wt1fe carried o LIt, comprisi"g the
comparisons between the crawler, pneumatic tire, and steel lug wheel types. The
straight. line moUon has been tested over 3 different soil moisture contents and al 5
different forward speed levels. Whiles, the angled motion have been studied as it's
affected by tight and wide turning angle~ at the rice field boundaries.
The maneuverability of the lested running devices was evaluated and
compared In ferms of lhe lugging ability of the vehicle, and the soil compaction
deduced by running each device in each maneuver test,
The results summarized In the following points: -
Comparing the crawler, and steel lug wheel types, the crawler was less
lugging ability and more damaging the soil at the rice field boundaries.
The average propelling reSistance of the angled pass eXhibited of about 1.1·
1.16 times thaI propelling resistance of t~ straight-line motion.
During the maneuvering by crawler, pneumatic tire, and steel lug wheel, the
averages 0' vehicle engIne loading were as 1.58,3.72 and 1.21 kWlton weigh I of the
vehicle respectively. The wider turning radius reduced the 5011 damage (compaction).
and saUsfactory the propelling force requirements.