An energy accounting study was conducted and the energy intensive
operations were Identified during the manulacture steps of ghee at a typical
processing plants. The energy analysis presented in this study included three types
of direct energy namely electrical, thermal and human energy. The accounting
process was proceeded for the specifiC energy consumption in reception,
pasteurization and clarification sections of the plant. The results indicated that in
reception and pasteurization sections, electric energy operations are significanlly
more energy consumptive than those of thermal ~nergy operations. It also indicated
that in these sections separation, forewarmlng Bnd cooling are the most energy
consumptive operations. The results also showed that these operations required
46.15, 30.36 and 14.69 % of the specinc total energy requirement respectively. The
results also indicated that total specifiC energy consumption during cream clarification
in (direc! cream method) decreased with the increase of both cream fat content and
amount of processed ghee. In butter method, the results revealed similar trend as
direct cream method, in which tolal specific energy consumption was decreased with
the Increase in the amount of ghee during clarification process. On the other hand, In
clarifICation process (of bolh methods) thermal energy operations are significantly
more energy consumptive than those 01 electrical energy operations. Thermal energy
consumption during clarification represent 98.25 and 98.31% of th~ total specific
energy consumption for direct cream method and butter melhod respectively.