The present study was carried out during 1999 growing season on one- year
old (Hamed) olive plants grown in a sandy soil located at Gabal EI-Dakrour area in
5iwa Oasis. The aim of the present study is to clarify the effed of irrigation regime and
nitrogen fertigation rates on vegetative growth and leaf water contents, total
chlorophyll and nutrients content of Hamed olive plants grown under Siwa Oasis
conditions. The plants were irrigated through a drip irrigation network at rates of 10.2
and 13.6 m3/planVyear according to the climatological conditions. Nitrogen fertigation
was applied during the growing season at rates of zero (irrigation water), 70,140 and
210 mg NIL of irrigation water. The obtained results revealed that increasing both of
irrigation rate and N fertigation rate significantly increased all vegetative growth
parameters i.e., growth rate, average shoot length, plant height, canopy diameter,
volume lndex and leaf area. Also, leaf chlorophyll content lind leaf wllter contents
were increased markedly due to increasing both irrigation and N fertigation rates.
Increasing both irrigation level and N fertigation rate, significantly increased leaf
contents of nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and 8). Generally, it can be
concluded that applying water at rate of 13.6 m3/planVyear and N at the rate of 210
mg/L under drip irrigation system in Siwa Oasis enhanced vegetative growth and
improved nutrients uptake for Hamed olive plants.