North Sinai gained the priority over the other part of Sinai due its strategic
location and promising output. The effect of chemical. physical and geological
properties of some units of North Sinai soils is studied for future agricultural practices
consideration. Twenty eight profiles have been selected covering the study area of 2830 km2
in North Sinai. The soil samples were collected from each profile representing
geomorphological and lithological changes.Coarse textured soils are characterized by the predominance of sand over clay and silt. Looseness, friability and good coarse textured soils represent more than 90% of the studied area, while fine textured soils occupy a triangle area in the northwestern ~art. Most of the northern part has been found free from salt affected soils « 4dS m' ), while most of the southern part have salt affected soils (> 4dS m"). The pH of the studied area ranged from 6.2 to 9.0. Due to the low rate of rainfall and limited degree
of leaching in the region, calcium carbonate is a common constituent of SOils. Organic
matter content of the studied soils ranged from 0.3% to 22.6%. The total N content Is
not adequate for plant growth. The minimum level of P is considered to be the
adequate level for plant growth. Potassium content is ranged from adequate to very
high level for plant growth. The surface irrigation water of EI Salam Canal is suitable
for the growth of non sensitive plants, while drainage and subsoil water are not
suitable for irrigation. Ground water is suitable for irrigation of non sensitive plants to
salinity. A complete and integrated scientific strategy is required to reduce salinity of
soil. Also, maintain acceptable range of nutrients for plant growth is required to build a
long-term plan for maximum utilization of North Sinai soils.