Until now in Egypt, there are no common systems to mechanize the inter-row cultivations. A few attempts were carried out to test and evaluate the maize cultivation. This paper aims to evaluate the cultivation performace as influenced by three cultivator share shapes. There are L-Knives with deflected vertical edge that inclined to the direction of motion (S1), L-Knives with flat vertical edge, which inclined at an angle of 160 degree and it set up at angle of 5 degree in relation to the soil surface (S2), and the two half sweep share (S3). The sweep is longitudinal fractionated in two equal parts that fixed each one in left or right cultivator bar. The three shape shares and three traveling angles (oo, 5o and 10o) are conformed as independent variables. The percentages of weed control, the percentage of injured plants and the rate of change in the area of ridges (Pa%) were carried out as independent variables. The maximum percentages of weed control were 91.2; 94.00 and 88.7% obtained at (oo, 5 o and 10 o) of travelling angle respectively and share shape of L-knives with flat vertical edge that inclined at an angle of 160 degree (S2). It is recommended to keep the travelling angle in range of zero to 5 degree to increment the percentage of weed control and decrement the percentage of injured plant. The rate of change in area for the ridge profiles decreased as the travelling angles of cultivator shares increased.