A greenhouse experiment was carried out to study synthetic conditioner
(PAM) and a natural one shale (Tafla, an old clay deposit) on maize plant growth and
nutrients uptake as a result of conditioning physical and chemical properties of the
loamy sand soil, collected from Ismailia, North East of Cairo.
Four kg portions of surface soil (0-30 cm) were mixed thoroughly with either
PAM at rates of 0,0.025,0.05 and 0.1% (w/w) or Tafla at rates of 0, 1,2and3%
(w/w) then packed in plastic pots (25 cm and 20 cm depth). Each pot received
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at the rate of 120 mg N , 13mgP and 40mg K per
kg of soil in the forms of ammonium sulfate, calcium superphosphate and potassium
sulfate, respectively. Maize was used as plant indicator and grown for 45 days.
Sulk density (SO was decreased due to the application of either PAM or
Tafla. The lowest (SO) values was attained by 0.1 PAM and 3% Tafla treatments.
Hydraulic conductivity (Ks) was decreased with the application of soil
conditioners. The largest decrease in (Ks) was associated with increasing the rate of
soil conditioner.
Ca 'on exchange capacity (CEC) and electrical conductivity (EC) was
increased d e to the application of PAM or Tafla. Treatments which received Tafla
have higher EC values than those received PAM.
Dry weight of maize plants was increased due to the application of soil
conditioners. The highest dry weight was obtained from PAM treatment.
The contents of maize plants from Nand K were favorably affected by using
the applied conditioners. Their P contents were slightly increased especially at the
highest rates of application. .
Results indicated that N, P, K uptake by maize plants increased due to the
application of soil conditioners. The increase was dependent on the rate of