Two fieic trails were conducted at the experimental farm of Sakha Agric.
Res, Station to stud, Ine influence of three irrigation regime treatments, full irrigalion
0N,) •••.•• hich received plan ling plus five irrigations. wilht'>olding one irrigation at late
season r~h) which received planting plus four irrigations. IIllthholding two irrigations at
late season C'Nl) which received planting plus three irrigalions and two levels of
potassium fertifization (24 and 48 ~g ~O/!ed.) on yield and components of four wheat
culnvars: Sakha 8 (VI), Sakna 69 (V2), Sakha 92 (VJ) and Giza 163 (V.). II aimed at
maximizing wheat production and water use efficiency, at the same time \0 select the
suitable cultivar adopted for this condition of drought. The elCperiments were
conducted in split- split plot design with four replicates.
The observed results can be summarized as follows:
- The yield and yield components of studied wheal culuvars were generallyalfecte<;t
signiflcantly by irrigation regime treatments. potassium fertilization rates and wheat
cutllvars. Sakha 69 cullivar generCllly gave the highest values of ~(ain yield, weigh\
and number of kernels per spike and number of heads/m under irrigation
treatments WI and W2. While Sakha 8 cultivar was more tolerate to drought
condition than the other cultivars which gave the highest values of grain yield.
weight of kernels per spike and the 1 DO-grain weight under irrigation treatmenl W,
in the presence of high rate of potassium,
• The water consumptive use was highest with full irrigation veatment WI where it was
35.97 and 37.79 em in 2002 and 2003. While it was lowest 26,82 and 26,88 cm in
2002 and 2003 with the drought condition; WJ treatment. The daily consumptive
use gradually increased to reach its maximum at Apr. 0.32 and 0,33 cm/day in
2002 and 2003 were obtained wilh full irrigation treatment WI,
- The hIghest values of w.u,e. 1,85 and l_BO-kg grainlmJ water in 2002 and 2003
were obtained wilh Sakha 69 culnvar under irngalion treatment W, and by
application of 48 kg K20lfed in the two seasons.