Salt affected soils in Egypt are located, mostly, at North Delta. Reclamation
processes of such soils are commonly using chemical amendments as gypsum (G) or
phosphogypsum (PG) and/or organic amendments as farmyard manure (FYM), in
addition to deep ploughing using sub-soiler. The current study was carried out for two
seasons (2000 and 2000/2001) to study the effect of some amelioration processes on
macro and micronutrients availability, elemental uptake and yield productivity of salt
affected soil at North Delta. Amelioration treatments (FYM and/or PG application)
have a significant effect on increasing the available N, P, and K contents in the
sequent layers of soil profile especially in the surface layers. Also, amelioration
treatments resulted in a significant increase in the available Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu
contents in the surface layers.
Moreover, amelioration processes have a highly significant effect on
sorghum and barley yields. PG has a highly significant effect on the yield of both
crops. These results may be attributed to that PG affected the soil properties such as
porosity, ESP, pH and nutrients availability, which enhance plant growth. Regarding
subsoiling and FYM, it could be noticed that subsoiling and FYM as well have a highly
significant effect on the yield of both crops
In addition, the uptake of the determined macronutrients (N, P, K) and
micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) were increased, while Na was decreased under
the different amelioration processes.