In order to indicale the origin and uniformity of the soil (orming substratum of
some different geomorphological unit of Egypt based on the mii16ralogy of the fine
sand (raction (250·(l3~m), sixteen profiles were selected, Tnese profiles represent
soils of the alluvial deposits of the Nile Delta (Qalubeya) and valley (Oena), swa ps
(El-Manzala) and fluvio-marine-lacustine deposits (EI·Manzala), beach Sands (Idku),
calcareous sediments ( Western desert), Aeolian sandy sediments of river lerraces(at
south of lhe wadi EI·Nalrun) and Oases depressions (EI·Kharga, El-Dakhla and EI·
Heavy mineral were separated and subjected to petro-graphical study.
Mineralogical compositions of the heavy minerals are detected as opaques,
pyroxenes, amphiboles and epidote in pronounced amounts. zircon, tourmaline, ruli e,
chlorite and staurolite are presenled In relatively moderate amounts, while t e
remaining minerals are found in less pronounced amounts.
The relative frequencies of the detected minerals either as percentages or as
ratios between resistant minerals and even as weathering ratios were discussed in
terms of pedogeneSis and proliles uniformity.
The soils under consideration differ very greatly In their mineralogical
properties as well as in mode of (ormation as they differ in origin and age.
Evidences for the contaminatlon ollhe highly calcareous sediments with Ni e
alluvium and also indicalions of volcanic activity are given.
Key wards: Heavy minerals, resistant minerals and fine sandy
Heavy minerals analYSis can be used to establish soil origin and to
discriminate between \he different depositional environments, Jackson and Sherman
(1953), Brewer (1960) and Barshad (1964), Accor~n9 to Pattijohn (1969), the heavy
mineral as~emblage reflects the combination effect of many fac\~; these lactors are
the rock source agent 0' transportation, environments or deposition and the eldent of
Post·depositional dIa~es. Heavy minerats have ~en used by soil scientists for
evaluating tne uniformity of parent material and profiles development.
Therefore, the current study Is an attempt foe identifying the type, suite and
distribution of heavy minerals in the sand fradion in order to elucidate the ori9i~.
uniformity and development of some soils represenUng the GeomOC'phlc Units of
Several trial were Undertaken to evaluate prOfile uniformity and developme t
01 some soils 01 Egypt (Labib and Hamdi, 1972; Abde! Salam er a/., 1975; Abdel·Aal
et aI., 1977;· Elwan et et., 1980; Kassim and Abd EI·Rahman, 1981 & Gewaifel ef et.,
1981). These aUlhors studies 50',1501 different origin and tr1ed to evaluate their mode
of (ormation and factors affecting their depositional regime based on different
Oespite these invesligatlons, lack of infolTTlation concerning comparison
between these soils I" felt Also, "ome Of \hese studies are contradictory.