Modem agricullure is depended on the integration between biofertilizers and
both of organic and/or inorganic fertilizers to enhance the utility of nutrients in farming
system and to be sate and friend of environment. The common bio·inoculums are
Effective Microorganisms (EM) and N·fjxers. EM is based on four prIncipal types of
organisms commonly found in all ecosystems (lactic acid bacte ia, yeast
Actinomyces, photosynthetic bacterIa and Ray fungi). Meanwhile N·fixers contains
dual inoculation of Rhizobium and Azospirillum.
A field experiment was carried out at Experimental Farm of rsm~ilia during
summer season 2002 on peanut crop < /em>. In this experiment two sources of organic
fertilizer; fermented compost (Comp) and town waste (T.w) with two levels f nitrogen
fertilizer: full recommended (RAn) and half recommended rate (1/2RRn).
The results Showed Significant effects with using bio and compost fertilizers,
where seed yield recorded 1086.7,1080.5,1022.6,1018.3,978.5 and 913.3 kg/fed
for treatments Comp., EM, N·flxers, RRn, T.W and 1/2RRn respectively. Also,
nitrogen uptake of peanut seeds was 43.76,40,36,40.15,39.95,33.23 and 30.65
kg/fed With the treatments Comp., N·fixers, EM. RRn, Wt and 1/2RRn respe~tively.
Concerning the dual effect of (Bio·chemical), (bio·organic) and (fhemical.
organic) fertilizers, the results of the integration between EM or N·!ixers i oculums
and compost or full recommended nitrogen (RRn) gave higher seed yield and NPK
content of seeds.
The best peanut seed yield obtained from the interaction treatment of
EM+Comp.+1/2RRn followed by the treatment of N·lixers + Compo +1I2RRn (1450
and 1235kglfed). Nitrogen uptake in both treatments were 67.51 and 58.68 kg/fed
The treatments of town waste fertilizer revealed lower values of seeds yield
and NPK uptake. The yield decreased to 1214 and 1000 kg/led lor the treatments
(EM + T.W + 1/2 RAn) and (N·flxers + T.W + 1/2 RAn) respectively.
EM and N·f!xers inoculums decreased the recorr.:nended rate f mineral
nitrogen in the experiment to about 50%.