Two field experiments were conducted in calcareous soil of the farm of
Nubaria Agric.Res.Station during two successive seasons to study the I effect of
irrigation frequency, microelement- nutrients and their interactions on l"I\acro and
micro nutrients uptake by flax plants Giza 7, Giza 8 and S, (the new strain) cllltivars.
The result can be summarfzed as the following:
1- Giza 8 and new strain1 recorded about the same maximum values of N P and K
uptake by both of seed and straw of flax plant, while those of Giza 7 reflected the
lowest effects.
2- Irrigation frequency had significant effects on macronutrients uptake for all
cultivars under study. Five or seven Umes of irrigation gave about the same
highest values of N; P and K. data are represented by 15.92, 2.69 an 3.721 kg
Fed" respectively.
3- Conceming foliar treatment mixture of Fe,Zn and Mn, the treated plant gave the
highest mean vafues of N uptake by seed (15.16 kg Fed") compar tively with
those of untreated oneS(12.14 kg Fed"). Data of P and K uptake ere not in
higher values, but they showed some reasonable increases.
4- As for the triple interaction effect, il can be summarized that, the absolutely highest
values of N, P and K were 23,16, 3.55 and 4.23 kg Fed" respectively. The
mentioned values were obtained from (la x Foliar x Giza8), and (I. x foliar x Giza 8)
interaction treatments respectively.
5- In respect of micronutrient uptake, the highest values of Fe uptake (566.6 and
565.97 9 Fed" ) were obtained from (I. x foliar x Giza 8) and (I. x foliar x 5,)
respectively. While the highest values related to Zn and Mn uptake ( 88.87 and
52.4 g Fed" ) were obtained from (I. x foliar x Giza 8) and (12 x foli r x Giza 8)
6- It can be recommended to G8 and 51, with 7 times of irrigation that recorded the
highest effects for all macro and micronutrients uptake under foliar application.