Two field experiments were conducted in 200012001 and 200112002 growing
seasons at Sakha Agric. Res. Station Farm, in clayey salt affected soils, to stUdy the
effect of three soil wetting depths (30, 45 and 60 cm), two ploughing depths (1r cm
and 30 cm) and three potassium fertilizer levels (24, 48 and 72 kg K20Ifed.) on sugar
beet yield, Its water relations and some soil properties. Splil-l'lplit plot design with four
replicates was used. Results indicated that, under salt affected soli condit ons,
moderate applications of irrigation water, which was watered till a depth of 45 cm and
deep ploughing technique (30 cm) with application of 72 kg K20/fed. were the best
combination, which enhanced the growth of sugar beet plants, and produce the
highest beet yield, average root weight, root size and sugar yield. With regard to
irrigation water consumption. it is noticed that values of water consumptive use
increased as the soil wetting depth increased. On the other side. values of ater
consumptive use decreased with increasing ploughing depth. due to the greater
ability of root system to reach. and use irrigation water in the deeper plou~hing
treatment. Concerning the water use efficiency for root and sugar yields, data clearly
showed that, the soil wetting depth of 45 em with deep ploughing technique, achieved
the highest values of water use efficiency. While the lowest value was gained from
soil wetting depth of 60 em with shallow ploughing. With respect to chemical
properties, after harvesting sugar beet. the mean values of ECe and SAR generally
decreased, with increasing soil wetting depth, in both seasons. as well as under tilled
treatments, compared with the values obtained before applying Ihe different
It can be concluded that irrigation to a depth of 45 em. and deep plou!ilhing
technique are the best combination treatments under salt affected soil to obtain
favourable physico-chemical properties and consequently high sugar beet yi Id at
North Delta region.