To study the effect of soaking of wheat grains in solutions of different
materials groups on plant dry matter yield and mineral composition under irrigation
with saline water. a pot experiment was conducted. The groups included 4 growth
regulators. 3 amino acids, 2 chloride solutions, 2 potassium solutions. 4 sui hates of
micronutrient solutions end distilled water as a control in addition (0 not soa ed grain
treatment. Diluted sea water of 0.52% lotal soluble salts was used in irrigales pot
after till wheal maturity 14 days of planting. Statistically analyzed data revealed that
wheat plants responded markedly to soaking treatments at different levels r ached to
relative increases of 140 and 120% of soaking in distilled water treatment or grains
and straw yietds respectively. Nitrogen and micronutrients uptake by grains nd straw
was increased by using solution soaking over dry planted grains or those soaked in
distilled water. Phosphorus and potassium uptake produced increases in some
treatments and reductions in others. It could be concluded that soaking pretreatment
for germinated grains was usefut as a general under these conditions where using
diluted sea water is the obligatory irrigation water.
clay loam soil. wheat. soaking solutions. saline irrigation water
Soils, Water & Environ. Res. Inst. Agrlc. Res. Centre Giza, Misr
Soils, Water & Environ. Res. Inst. Agrlc. Res. Centre Giza, Misr
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Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering
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