This study was conducted during the two successive winter seasons of
(2001 I 2002 and 2002 J 2003) at El-Gernmeiza Agric. Res. Station, EI·Gharbia
Govemorate, in a pot experiment ( 50 em in height and 40 cm in diameter ). The
experiment was carried out in open system under prevailing natural conditions and
cultivated by barley seeds variety Giza 123.
The experiment was designed to study the effect of different salinity levels of
irrigation water on some soil properties and to evaluate the efficiency of barley plants
10 grow under irrigation water salinity stress. Randomized complete block design with
three replicates were used. The obtained results could be summarized as follOWS:·
1· The values of bulk density, settling percentage, saluration percentage. moisture
content just before harvesting. soil moisture content retained at field capacity and
wilting point and soil capillary pores were increased as a result of increase
irrigation water salinity levels. While, the values of total porosity, hydraulic
conductivity, available water and soil large and medium pores were decreased by
incredslng salinity levels.
2· The use of high saline irrigation water lead to an increases in soil pH, EC, SAR,
SSP, soluble ions (Ca, Mg, Na, CI and SO.) and exchangeable cations (Ca and
Na) values. While, the values of exchangeable cations (Mg and K) were
decreased by increasing salinity levels. But, there were no clear trend in soluble K
and HC03 with the different salinity levels.
3· Generally, the use of saline irrigation water leads to deterioration of soil physical
and chemical properties. So, to avoid salt accumulation in the soil, they masl be
dissolved and removed by leaching to allow percolation through the entire root
zone. This can be accomplish by leaching in long term periods as needed to
reduce the accumulation of salts where the salt balance is achieve in soil.
4· The salinity stress gave highly significant decrease in the values of growth
characters for barley plants such as plant height and spike length as compared to
the control in the two seasons.
5· There were marked depressions in the values of No. and weight of grains per
spike in the two seasons as a result of using high salinity in irrigation water.
6· The biological. straw and grain yields were decreased with increasing irrigation
water salinity levels for two seasons.
7· The proline content values of barley straw and Na content of grains and straw
were increased with increasing irrigation water salinity levels. While, the values of
barley Ca, Mg and K content for grains and straw were decreased with increasing
salinity levels.
8· The results revealed that Giza 123 barley variety was resistance to salt stress with
Increasing irrigation water salinity levels to 7500 ppm. AI 10000 ppm salinity level,
the vegetative growth, yield and yield components were depressed.