Two field experiments were conducted at !smaills Agricultural Experimental
Station throughout two seasons of 200112002 and 200212003 to study the effect of N.
P, K fertilization combined with some micronutrients foliar sprayed (Fe. Mn and Zn)
on growth, yield and mineral composition of wheat plants In sandy soils under the
sprinker Irrigation Involving 8 treatments in each season. Each treatment was
replicated three times.
The obtaIned results eould be summarized as follows:
1- The mineral fertilizer recommended dose (N. P and K) combined with
mlcronutrients follary feeded (Fe. Mn and Zn) gaven highly significant Increase
for each of plant height, leaf areas, spike length, weight of 100-graln, grain and
straw yields comparisonable with control and also treatment of NPK fertilization
recommended. Thus the NPK fertilization recommended combIned with
micro nutrients foliary (Fe, Mn and Zn) was the besl treatment for the preVious
parameters over all the studied treatments.
2- The fertilizer recommended combined with some micronu1rients foliar sprayed
of Fe, Mn and Zn were gave significantly increases for N, P and K uptake In
grain and straw over the control and also over the NPK fertilization dose.
However. the superiority was achieved as a result of NPK fertilization
recommended combined with mlcronutrients foliary application of Fe, Mn and
Zn treatment as compared to the other treatments.
3- The % total recovery of N, P and K uptake was increased as a result of NPK
fertilization recommended combined with foliar sprayed of Fe. Mn and Zn while.
the low % total recovery was recorded using NPK fertilization recommended
4- The treatments of N, P and K combined with micronu1rients foliar feeded Fe.
Mn and Zn gave a significant increase for Fe, Mn and Zn uptake in grain and
straw over control and also over the mineral fertilizer treatment Individually. The
superiority was for NPK fertilization recommended combined with foliar sprayed
micronutrlents of Fe, Mn and Zn treatment over the other treatments.
5-- This study under the experimental conditions suggested that the NPK
fertilization recommended combined with micronutrients foliar sprayed of Fe.
Mn and Zn treatment for wheat plant be the best for gaining the maximum
growth and yield.