The sustainable management and development of the newly reclaimed sandy
solts at Bustan region is facing numerous problems. Amongst, poor 5011 physical and
chemical characteristics, low son fertility, water logging and soil sallni(y in some areas,
and lack of sustainabte crop rotation. Due to the expected water shortage in the next
decades. water logging and the resultant s.alinlty problems appeared to be the utmost.
The aim of this study was to determine the behavior of spallal oistribulion of water
table depth (WID). zones of water logging, and quality of groundwater for reuse in
Irrigation, 10 approach the best sustainable management of about 50.000 (eddans
(21.000 hal in Bustan 1 and 2 (8US1&2) areas.
A network of two grid systems monitored the WTD on monthly or bimonthly
basis tor 18 months. Ihe first with 87 large-scale cbservation wells (LSOW) covering
BUS 1 &.2 areas. and the second with 92 srnenscate observation weits (SSOW)
distllbuled as 34, J 1. and 27 in three villages suffering from water logging problems.
Ati tbn Abi Taleb (AlA T). Mohamed Retaat (MRFT), and Tawteek EI·Haxeem (THl respectively. Water samples from the cbservation wells were collected to assess the
parameters 01 water quality.
Results showed that INTO were ranged from 0.23 to 7.52 m. wnlch reneoed the
existence of continuous water logging problems in some areas especially at AJAT,
MRFT, and Tl-1KM villages. The spatial distributico of WTD was characterized through
the geoslatistiQlI approach, and the tilted varioqrarn for temporal WTD was
exponential Field maps using the Kriging technique were produced 10 explore the
spatla: behavior of WTO, and to locate the areas with water 1099in9 probtems
Results or the KrIging leci\nique were evaluated 10 assure their accuracy and
evidenced by tow standard errors and highly Significant correlation coeffIcients
The v tater logging problem appeared In some areas of 8ustan region was mainly
due (a seepage lrom irrigation canals. change (rom Ihe installed modem (sprinkler
and drip) irrigation systems to surface system. lack of information 011 crop water
requirements and irrigation scheduling, and insufficient drainage system. This problem
reoresenls a major constraint for Ihe sustainable agricultural production at the Bustan