In two pot experiments, wheat (Triticum eestivum L .. var Sakha 8) plants
were fertlized with the NPK levels of 25,50 and 100% as the main level. Under each
NPK level, the biofertlizers nitro bien, phosphorine and phosphorine + nitrobien
treatments were applied as the sub-main level. As the NPK level was increased,
shoot length, number of tillers/plant, number of leaves/plant and the dry weight of
shoots, roots and whole plant dry weights of wheat plant were significantly increased
in both sampling dates. All the previously mentioned characters were significantly
increased as a result of the all applied b iofertilizers treatments including n itrobien,
phosphorine a nd p hosphoorine when compared to non-treated control treatment at
both sampling dates. Grain yield/plant significantly increased as the NPK level was
incraesed. Also, grain yield and yield components were increased due to the
application of biotertinzers as compared to the non-treated control treatment.
However, the highest values for grain yield/plant was obtained when treated with the
biofertilizer phosphorine + nitrobien treatment. Application of NPK fertilization tended
to increase mineral concentartions including total nitrigen, phosphorus. potassium and
calcium as well as sugars in both shoots and roots of wheat plant at both sampling
dates. Also, biofertilizer treatments tended to increase the same attributes when
compared to the non-treated control treatment. Similar trend was obtained for total
nitrogen. phosphorus, potassium and calcium as well as sugars concentrations in
wheat grains at harvest. It might be concluded that applying NPK with biofertlizers
treatments might improve wheat plant n utrtional status which leads to higher plant
productivity .