A field trial was conducted in 2002103 winter season at the experimental
station. Fac. Agoc .. AI-Azhar Univ., Assuit Governorate to study the effect of different
water regimes and nitrogen fertilizer on wheat yield, its quality and water use
efficiency under sprinkler irrigation system. The obtained results indicated that
increasing the applied water to '" 80 % of soil moisture depletion (SMO) increased the
yield of wheat. Straw yield increased by 4.01 and 13.66 % in 12 and 13 treatment,
respectively compared to 11 treatment (equated ~ 60 % SMO). Moreover, the grain
yield (kg/fed) jumped from 3088 to 3884 then to 4455 in 11, 12 and 13 treatment,
respectively. Comparing to 11 treatment, Seed index increased by 12.89 and 29.79%
and harvesting index was higher by 8.18 and 10.61% at 12 and b treatment,
respectively. Straw yield increased by 33.77, 47.0 and 73.85% at fertilization rate of
60, 90 and 120 kg N/fed respectively compared to non-fertilized treatment. The grain
yield was higher by 73.72, 129.8 and 140.74% at the corresponding rates. The total
yield increased by 53.07, 87.0 and 106.16% and seed index increased by 41.99,
51.54 and 57.43% at the corresponding rates. In wheat grain, the nitrogen percent
increased by 31.62 and 43.38% as the available soil moisture increased to 12 and la.
respectively. The protein content increased by 31.96 and 43.40% in the corresponding
treatments. The amount of consumed water (mm/season) may be ranked in a
descending order as follows: la (479) > 12 (426) > 11 (375). The amount of water losses
was 35, 33 and 26% in It. 12 and 13 treatment, respectively. 13 treatment (lon~ irrigation
interval) produced the highest water use efficiency (WUE) value (1.64 kg/m ) followed
by 12 treatment (1.49 kg/m3) and I, treatment (1.28 kg/m\ The values of WUE for FQ,
Flo F2 and F3 treatments were 0.79, 1.36, 1.81 and 1.89 kg/m3, respectively.