Three reliable devices have been developed and equipped with a developed
ridger blade for controlling soil inverse angle, the blade lilt angle ,and the blade
repose angle This developed machinery consl1\Jction Is able for establishing different
ridge profiles suitable for different root crop growing conditions.
The developed ridger was Inspected and evaluated under three different
deformation speed (s) levels, three levels, of angle (4)), three levels, of angle (a) and
two levels, of repose angle (y). The performance of the developed furrower has been
evaluated within detenninlng three main parameters namely: the swemng coeffICient
of the slipped soil (A), the ridge profile deformation uniformity (PU) , and the specific
draft for deforming the ridge (SO). In addition ridging performance of the developed
furrower was compared with the ridging performance of the traditional furrower.
The gained results could be summarized as follows:-
1· The reliable swelling coefficient of the slipped soil (A =1.15) was corresponding
deformation speed (s) of 1. 14m/sec, inverse angle (4)=45·), and tilt angle (a=20')
at cutting width of aicm.
2· The maximum ridge height uniformity(PUn=94%} and the maximum ridge cross-
section area uniformity (PU .•. =98%) , were accomplished forward speed of 1.45
rrvsec, angle (a) of 20 0 ,and angle (cP) between OD .and 22.50•
3- Traction force requirements of about 4.22 KN, was recorded as the developed
furrower operated at forward speed of 1.76 m/sec deformation depth of 9.5 cm
.versus traction force of 5.1 KN for the traditional ridger at the same operating
conditions of zero inverse angle .. As the developed furrower was setting at Inverse
angle of 45· the decrement rate in traction force was aboul 32% in favor of
developed furrowsr compared to the traditional furrower