Land elevations of the ·Sirt area ranged from sea -6 m to 30 m A.S.L The
elevations ranged between 30 to 60 m A.S.L., it is characterized by an almost flat
slope, which ranges from 0-0.5 % covering about 70.21 % of the total area. The
dominant aspect is the north facing direction, which represents about 71.64 % of the
total area. While, land elevations of the Benghazi ranged between 50 to 160 m A.S.L.,
The area is generally considered flat, the dominant aspect is the south facing
direction, which represents about 69.5 % of the total area.
In general, the soils in the study area of Sirt were characterized as non-
saline, non-alkaline soils, low fertility, calcareous, low organic matter, light texture, and
subjected to wind erosion. Soils are classified as Entisols and Aridsols, while, the soils
are in the study area of Benghazi was characterized as high salinity and sodicity, soil
texture is medium to fine with high levels of calcium carbonates, low soil moisture
retention, low permeability. The soil is classified as Entisols, Aridisols and Inceptisols.
Agro-ecological land quality evaluation was carried out using MicroLEIS IP
(Integrated Package) Pro & Eco model (De la Rose, 2000); including the assessment
of general land use capability, land suitability for different agricultural crops, predicting
the productivity of wheat and com. According to the model prediction, most of the
study area in the Sirt 60.2 % was classified as S3r, which is moderate capability with
soil erosion risk as a limiting factor. MicroLEIS programme was used for determining
soil suitability for agricultural crop pattern suggested by water utilization of Ajdabiya-
Sirt system of Great Man-Made River.
According to the model prediction, most of the study area in Benghazi 62.60
% was classified as S3r, which is moderate capability with erosion risk as a limiting
factor. MicroLEIS programme was used for determining soil suitability for agricultural
crop pattern suggested by water utilization of Ajdabiya-Benghazi System of Great
Man-Made River. We used also Almagra model programme to evaluate the
productivity of wheat and corn.