Two winter wneat f1f:ld exper.ments we:« des,g,~ed .:' EI-Gabeal at Toor Sinai.
south Sinal durrnq (2002-2003) and (2003-2004) seasons, to study the possrble
amelioration for some physical, biological and nutritional status of saline calcareous
scils and it~ crooucnvity uSing oiotechnologies. Whezt ISa~ha 8) W crop fc- ~('\I productivity The treatments comprised (1, haiotolerant t'b-flxers
ciotertilizers as inocutation with (Azosp < /em>iril,'!JI7) sp + Klet>siella sp < /em>.). Nc-fixing
cyanobactena (Nosroc sp. + Anabaena sp ) and uninoculated. (2, applied N-Ieveis. as
20. -10. 60, eo and 100 kg N/fed (3) methods of blo(ert·.!\lation as soal.(\ns grains
grain inoculation anc (sooking+ grain inoculation).
Results showed .mproverr.ents lor several soil physical parameters Bulk
density, saturated hydraulic conouctivrty (SHe) and total porosity were ar: relioratec as
a result of biofertilizalion referring 10 un inoculated and control (2<.' kg N/fed)
treatments. Ni-fixers cyanobacteria (Nostoc sp. + Anabaena sp ) by (soaking + grain
mocutano-i) method was the best supporters in certain suitable SOl! structure.
particularly in the presence of 60 kg Nlfed treatment
;..., positive eHect of either crain or (soaking + grain inocutat-oru method was
noticed by with both \AzosplrillIJm sp + Klebsiella sp < /em>.) and cyanobacteria tNostoc sp
• Anabaena sp.) inoculation on their densities and dehydrogenase activity In wheat
rhizosphere plants, particularly at 75'h day of sowing in the presence of 100 kg N/fed
Klebsiella sp < /em>. gave high densities compared with Azosp < /em>iril!um sp .. While nitrogenase
activity and available N in soil considerably increased in ccrnpanson to uninoculated
and control (20 kg Nlfed) treatments, particularly at 75'h day of sowing in the presence
of 60 kg Nlfed and inocutation with (Azosp < /em>irillum sp. + Klebsiella sp < /em>.) treatments
'Nheat grains and straw Yields as well as N-fert!lizer use efficiency were
enhanced In response to different methods of biotert'lization and N-Ievels. especially
with soaking + grain inoculation method in the presence of 60 i/fed achieving
relatIvely high increases compared to un Inoculated treatments arnenoed With 60 or
100 kg N/ffd Similar trends were also observed for the ccntent of nitrogen. total
amino acres and crude protein In grains and straw In response (0 inoculation with
(Azosp < /em>,r/Ji:Jm sp, + Klebsiella sp < /em>.) which in turn was more effective.
This means that (soaking+ grain Inoculation) method with .~~Iotoleranl Nrflxlng
i e Azosoirillum sp. + Klebsiella sp < /em>.) and cyanobacteria iNostoc sp < /em>. and Anabaena
sp ) may save (20-:'J) kg N/fed