In arid and semi arid regions with irrigated agriculture conditions .excess
soluble salts often occurs .Bread wheat is one of the primary crops used for human
feeding .The response of salinity tolerant (Sakha 92 ) and salinity sensitive
(Gemmiza 9) cultivars against salinity hazard is unclear . The effect of soil salinity
levels (, 0.4and 0.6 %) were assessed on yield and yield component as well
as N,P and K content of the two type of wheat.
The obtained results can be summarized In
Increasing soil salinity level from ( Control ) to 0.2% increased seedling
emergence percentage of the studied wheat varieties, whereas, raising the soil salinity
level above 0.2% ( 0.4 and 0.6% ) decreased seedling emergence mean of the
studied wheat varieties to a large extend in the first ( 0 • 5 days after sowin9) , and
second ( 5 • 10 days after sowing) count only,
0.2 % soil salinity enhanced tillering process of both cuttlvars (2.97 %
and1.53 % increase for sakha92 and Gemmiza 9 ,respectively) . In the same order
soil salinity level of 0.6 % caused 62.68 and 72.24 % decrease in the same respect.
Slight soil salinity ( 0.2 % ) led to slight increase ( 1.4 % ) in leaf area than that
of control treatment, while the highest levels of soil salinity ( 0.4 and 0.6 % ) caused
49.92 and 66.63.% reduction, respectively.
Increasing soil salinity levels from control ( 0.08%) to 0.2% increased shoot
dry weight of the studied wheat varieties. and the salt sensitive variety ( Gemmiza 9
01. ) is more excited than the sail tolerant one ( Sakha 92) . 0.4 and 0.6% soil
salinity levels had pronounced negative effects on shoot dry weight of Gemmiza 9 Col.
Sakha 92 01. ( salt tolerant c», ) accumulated higher Nitrogen (523.106
mg I pot) than that of Gemmiza 9 cv. (469.973 mg I pot) .
In spite of phosphorus concentration decreased with increasing soil salinity
level above control. the phosphorus uptake by shoot was increased with increasing
soil salinity level, from control to 0.2% . such increase was mainly due to higher
increase in shoot dry weight , which compensate Ihe decrease of phosphorus
concentration, and increase phosphorus uptake by shoots.
Little increase in potassium uptake, at soil salinity level of 0.2% , was found,
then sharply decreased due to raising soil salinity level above that. So, sakha 92
cullivar has a higher potassium uptake (971.279 mp';:,t) than that of Gimmiza 9
( 879.622 mg/pot) cuttivar .
The average of 100 grains weight of varieties was increased by 6.46 %as soil
salinity raised from control 10 0.2 % . Raising soil salinity level above 0.2 %, sharply
decreased 100 grain weight where .. 0.4 and 0.6 % soil salinity caused 23.89 and
35.08 % decrease in this respect, respectively.
A lower increase in grain yield (5.08%) of Gemmiza 9 cultivar was observed,
compared to that of Sakha 92 cultivar (6.31%), due to soil salinity level increase
from control to 0.2% . meanwhile ,soil salinity level of 0.6% caused a severe