Field experiment was carried out during the agricultural season of 2004 at the sugar factoly farm. clayey soil, at Kom-Ombo. Aswan Governorate to evaluate the performance of a modified LASER scraper compared to that of the original one. The modification consisted of adding 8 chisel shanks on the main frame of the scraper at equal distances along the whole width of the scraper. That modification was a result of the firm. un- chiseled. spots that normally appear during leveling with the ordinary LASER scraper. In such case, a chisel plow has to be used to loosen the soil before the scraper does another ato level these spots. which increases the operational costs. Leveling was performed at two slopes; 0% and 0.03%.
Results indicated that leveling at 0% slope with the modified LASER scraper resulted in more homogeneous land surface with no firm. un-chiseled. spots. Also, it was clear that the leveled field at 0.03% using the ordinary LASER scraper was more homogenous than that leveled with the same scraper at zero level. Leveling with the modified scraper gave better results compared to that of the ordinary one at the same slope, 0.03%. However; it resulted in a small area with higher level than the surrounding, Modified LASER scraper resulted in better soil physical properties such as higher porosity and lower soil bulk denatty. Also. it resulted in better soil pulverization.
Although the modified LASER scraper required relatively more power. it had lower operational cost by about 32% than the ordinary LASER scraper for both slopes. In summary, using the modified LASER scraper gave more precise leveling. however; increasing the depth of the chisel shanks would help to overcome any chance of leaving firm. un-chiséled soil.