Under Egyptian circumstances, seeds distribution in the horizontal plane, depth of sowing, seedling emergence, crop yield and operating time for seedbed preparation are indicators of the impact of clods size distribution on the applicability of grain drill-machines for the cultivation of wheat planting. SO, this investigation was executed, where the experimental area was divided into five main plots relative to the seedbed preparation treatments. The 1st plot (P1) was prepared by a rotary tiller, while the 2nd plot (P2) was prepared via a chisel plow once followed by rotary tiller, the 3rd plot (P3) was prepared with chisel plow twice followed by the rotary tiller, the 4th plot (P4) was prepared using chisel plow once followed by wooden leveler and lately the 5th plot (P5) was set by a chisel plow twice followed by a wooden leveler (traditional treatment of wheat planting).The obtained results illustrated that increasing the mean mass diameter of clods in the seedbed led to increase in the sowing depth, plant deviation and the time required for seedling emergence time. The suitable clods size distribution soil for sowing the wheat plants with a seeds drill machine must contain various clods sizes having diameters not greater than 50mm. The suitable seedbed for using a grain drill machine was realized with a chisel plow followed by a rotary tiller at a soil moisture content between 18-22%.