A field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station Farm of Noubaria, during two successive growing seasons (2001-2002) on a calcareous sandy clay loam soil to study the direct effect of compost, sulphur and phosphorus on dry matter of faba bean seeds and straw, and some nutrient uptake by them as well as the residual effect on the same parameters of maize plant due to these applications. Two kinds of composts (A and B) each at a rate of 4 ton/fed were applied in addition to a control treatment, either indivdually or in combination with 200 kg S/fed and /or 13.5 kg P/fed. Treatments were incorporated in a split plot design with four replicates. The obtained results could be sunimarized ¡n the followings: Catcarecus soil manuring with any of the two used composts, either individually or in combination with S and P was of significant effect on increasing dry matter yield of faba bean plants and their uptake of N, P, Fe, Mn and Zn. The residual effects of the aforementioned treatments were pronounced on uptake of N, P and Mn by the successive grown plant, i.e., maize. Compost A was significantly superior to B in increasing dry matter yield of straw and whole faba bean plant, N and Fe uptake while the opposite was true in case of Mn and Zn uptake. There were no significant differences between compost A and B effects on P-uptake by different parts of both the studied crops. Data revealed that application of compost A or B in combination with both S and P increased faba bean seed and straw dry matter weights over compost A or B combined with S or P treatments. As a conclusion, it could be recommended that using compost at a rate of 4 ton/fed in combination with 200 kg S/fed and 13.5 kg P/fed is significantly beneficial to obtain he economically best results under such a soil as a direct effect, while addition of a portion of the studied materials (determined through further studies) may be more beneficial than their residual effects.