This study aims to design and fabricate a sugar beet hand planter to suit the small holding farms and avoid the problems of the manual planting and imported planters. Factors such as picker wheel speed, ratio of cup diameter to seed diameter (D/d), ratio of metering gate height to picker wheel radius (h/r), and the transmission rãtio (i) were investigated. Results indicated that the best uniformity was accomplished with picker wheelspeed of 0.205 m/s that placed over 85 % of the seed ¡n a proper space. To ensure a good seed rate of not less than 100 %, optimum seed spacing uniformity and minimum missing percent the ratio of gate height should be limited to about 0.46. The optimum distribution of seed was obtained at transmissIon ratio of 0.4. Data indicated that there was no significance difference between seed germinations before and after passing through the fabricated metering system. The best performance of the fabricated planter was obtained at 0.205 m/s picker wheel speed, 0.46 height gate ratio, and 0.4 transmission ratio. Multiple linear regression was performed to obtain the prediction equation of seed spacing uniformity: C = 197 — 6.8 (rw2!g) — 5.16 (i) + 4.12 (h)r) + 0.34 (DId). Where: C seed spacin9 uniformity, D = diameter of metering cups. d = diameter of beet seed, r = radius of picicer wheel, w= angular velocity of picker wheel, g = gravitational acceleration, h = height of feeder gate. and ¡ = transmission ratio.