Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data have been used for delineating and mapping the area of branch__1. Toshki area. The studied area covers about 120.000 fed Twenty three soil profiles and seventeen minipits were examined to represent the soils of the studied area.
The soils of the studied area are classified as Typic Haplocalcids. Typic Haplosalids and Typic Torriorthents. The soils are slightly to extremely saline (EC values range from 1.1 to 73.4 dSm"). Soil texture is generally sand to sandy clay loam in most areas. Soil pH values range from 7.3 to 8.5. Organic matter content is very low with maximum value of 0.5%. Calcium carbonate content ranges between 0.6 and15.9% and gypsum content ranges from 0.2 to 13.1%. Available fraction of nitrogen. phosphorus and potassium ranges from 0.2 t018.8 ppm. 0.3 to 8.5 ppm and 10 to 81 ppm. respectively.
The data reveal that current suitability of soils are moderately suitable (82). marginally suitable (83) and permanently not suitable (N2). The soils of class 8;- form 56.5% of the studied area (- 67844 fed). It includes one subciass S; x. as the texture is the limiting factor. The soils of class 53 cover an area of about 44356 fed (37 %) and it contains three subclasses namely Saxn (texture and salinity are the limiting factors). 83 wxd (drainage. texture and depth are the limiting factors) and Sa txn (topography. texture and salinity are the limiting factors}. The soils of class N;- cover an area of about 7800 fed (- 6.5 %). Potential suitability reveals that the soils of subclasses Sa xn and Satxn could be improved to subclass S;- x.
Eight crops were selected to asses their convenience for cultivation in the studied area: for field crops: canola. corn and wheat. for vegetable crops: tomato and onion. for fibber crops: cotton and for fodder crops: alfalfa and cowpea.
Results indicate that 37% of the studied area (- 44356 fed) are not suitable for most of the selected crops under current conditions. Potential suitability indicates that these areas are suitable for most of the selected crops and not suitable only for tomato and onion
Cairo University. Faculty of Agriculture. Soil Science Department
Cairo University. Faculty of Agriculture. Soil Science Department
Soils. Water and Environment Research Institute. Giza
Soils. Water and Environment Research Institute. Giza
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Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering
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