Two field experiments were carried out during two successive growing seasons (2004/2005 and 2005) to investigate the effect of some soil amendments on some soil physical and chemical properties under the cultivation of wheat and soybean. A split- split plot design with three replicates was used. The main plots were devoted to compost application levels, C (0 and 20 m³fed-1.). The subplots were allocated to sulphur application levels, S ( 0, 450 and 900 kg fed-1). The sub- subplots were assigned for mineral fertilizers, NP (50,75 and 100% of the re-commended dose).
The interaction between applications of 20m3 compost fed-1., 900kg sulphurfed-1. and N P fertilizers at rate of 100% from the recommended dose was the most suitable in improving the bulk density and total porosity since they gave the lowest values of bulk density and the highest values of total porosity and basic infiltration rate. While, the lowest values of total porosity and infiltration rate and the highest value of bulk density were obtained under combination between zero compost, zero sulphur and N P mineral fertilizers at 50 % from the recommended dose.
Soil organic matter percentage was increased by 36.39 and 15.49% after harvesting of wheat and soybean respectively in the plots which treated with compost compared with untreated soil. On the other hand, the soil organic matter content was slightly increased by 2.7 and 1.35% with application of 450 and 900 kg sulphur fed-1., compared to control After harvesting of wheat. Data revealed that application of N P fertilizers at rate of 100% from the recommended dose increased the soil organic matter percentage by 3.36 and 2.01% compared to application of 75% and 50% from recommended dose respectively after harvesting of wheat .While after harvesting of soybean, the application of NP fertilizers at rate of 100% from the recommended dose surpassed the rate of 50 and 75% in increasing the soil organic matter by 5.85 and 14.69%, respectively. The interaction between application of zero compost, zero sulphur and 50% mineral NP fertilizers recorded the maximum calcium carbonate content while application of soil amendments at higher levels recorded the minimum calcium carbonate content in soil. The interaction between application of 20m3 compost/fed., sulphur at rate of 900 kg fed-1+., and 75% N P fertilizers from the recommended dose greatly decreased on soil ECe, SAR and ESP values in soil.