A pot experiment was conducted in a sandy soil at Exp. Station of El-Mansoura Univ. Dakahlia Governorate during winter season of (2004-2005) to study the effect of biofertilizer (microbin and phosphorin), mineral fertilizer (soluble and slow release fertilizers as sulfur coated urea), and organic manure (compost) on the wheat yield (grain and straw) NPK, concentration in grain and straw of wheat plants at the harvesting stage and some soil properties. The experiment was split plot design where, in main plots were (biofertilizer) and in sub main plots were (organic and mineral fertilizers).
Results of studied parameters found that the interaction effect has highly significant increase in all treatments. The results show that straw and grain yield of wheat have a highest values by inoculation of nitrogen fixing bacteria (microbin) mixed with slow release fertilizer [sulfur coated urea, (S)] S100%. On the other hand the highest value of nitrogen concentration in straw at the harvesting stage was conducted with microbin + phosphate dissolving bacteria (phosphorin) mixed with S100%. But grain was found with microbin mixed S100% was but in, P and, K concentrations recorded the highest values were with microbin + phosphorin + S100% in straw and grain yields.
In soil the highest available N and K values were recorded with microbin + phosphorin mixed with S100%, while the highest value in soil available P was recorded with microbin + phosphorin mixed with M100%. Soil organic matter and hydraulic conductivity recorded the highest values were recorded with microbin + phosphorin mixed with O100%.
These study recommended that the use of microbin + phosphorin mixed with S100% give the highest grain and straw yields and also give the highest N, P, K concentration in plant and in soil such treatments reduced the use of chemical fertilizer and reduced the harmful effect on human health.