Predictability of Egyptian clover seeds distribution patterns is of interest from the precision seeding as well as the economical point of view. To ensure a constant level of uniformity of distribution patterns in the field. Moreover, due to the lake of related information to the physical and aerodynamic properties of Egyptian clover seeds and its importance for the development of seeding machines that are related to these seeds broadcasting, the present work have the objective to study the effects of the operation factors of air-power duster on distribution patterns of the clover seeds. It was observed that: In general, the knapsack type power duster proved function satisfactorily in Egyptian clover seeds broadcasting under the test conditions. The most important factor affecting seeding rate and index of irregularity is the travel speed of operator. A low speed of 1.03 km/h gave a higher seeding rate (2.1 g/m2) and lower index of irregularity (44%), while the high speed of 2.46 km/h gave lower seeding rate (1.5 g/m2) and higher index of irregularity (48%). The preferred operation factors to broadcasting the Egyptian clover seeds by using knapsack type power duster were found to be air velocity of 30 m/s; discharge seed rate of 0.71 kg/min; peripheral velocity of blow-head arm of 0.42 m/s; orientation angle of blow-head arm of 30°; seeds moisture content of 11.77% and overlapping percent between distribution patterns of 40%.
Egyptian clover, distribution patterns, seeding rate, index of irregularity, overlapping percent, knapsack type power duster
Agric. Engineering Dept. Fac. of Agric., Ain Shams Univ., Shoubra El-Kheima, Cairo, Egypt.
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Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering
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