A new system of local flat plate solar water heater “LPSH" recommended to be used for heating water as step for maximizing renewable source of energy instead of traditional power.The local flat plate solar water heater is used to heat water from the atmospheric temperature. Evacuated, double and single glasses flat plate solar water heater were fabricate with the same dimensions and installed at a latitude angle of 31 degree facing towards N-S direction.The experiment has been carried out at 24th March 2021 between 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM.The solar collector efficiency depends with many parameters such as type of glass cover, wind velocity and overall top loss heat transfer coefficient.Top loss heat transfer coefficient (Ut) plays an important role for design of solar collector.Taking this point under consideration the present work is to reduce the overall top loss heat transfer coefficient and improve the collector efficiency.The result shows that the efficiency of (LVDG) is higher compared to (LDG) and (LSG).The higher instantaneous and collector efficiency of (LVDG) obtain as a result of the overall top loss heat transfer coefficient (Ut) was reduced in (LVDG). The efficiency of (LVDG), (LDG) and (LSG) achieve around 79, 68 and 45 %, caused by the high heat increase at 12:00 pm.The efficiency decreased for (LSG) as a result of the high top loss heat transfer coefficient. The maximum overall top loss heat transfer coefficient Ut was recorded (2.51, 3.77, and 6.35 W/ m2 K) for (LVDG), (LDG) and (LSG) at 12:00 pm, respectively.