The aim of this work was to classify productivity, capability and suitability indices of soils in west El-Minia Governorate, Egypt. El-Minya Governorate is considered one of the important areas of horizontal expansion in the Upper Egypt. The studied area is covers around 667020 ha and it lies between latitudes of 28°00` and 28°58`N and longitudes of 29°75` and 30°64`E. Nineteen soil profiles were dug to represent the geomorphological units in the studied area. Seven geomorphological units were developed;1-Old river terraces 2- Sand sheets 3- Limestone plateau 4- Peni plains 5-Outwash plain 6-Sand dune 7-Hilly area. In the study area there are two soil orders i.e. Aridisols and Entisols were classified as Typic Torriorthents, Typic Torripsamments and Typic Haplocalcids. Land productivity index classes of the area varies from excellent (C1) to extremely poor (C5) using Riquier etal.(1970). Based on MicroLEIS-CERVATANA model, land capability is grouped into two classes, (S2: good) covers an area of 14.68 % of the total area and the limiting factors are bioclimatic factors and (S3: moderate) covers 81.49% of the total area and the limiting factors are erosion risks, bioclimatic factors, edaphic factors and slope. Twelve crops were selected to evaluate their suitability for agriculture: wheat, maize, potato, sugar beet, cotton, soybean, sunflower, alfalfa, peach, citrus, olive and watermelon. Suitability classes according to MicroLEIS-ALMAGRA model were ranged from soils with suitability (S2) to soils with no suitability (S5) classes depending on soil limitations. The main limitations are soil texture, carbonate content and sodium saturation.