There is a general trend of using natural plant extracts and bio substances with organic fertilizers for improving plant growth. So, our study aims to investigate the influence of plant compost (plant residues) and foliar spraying with some stimulants on enhancing growth performance, chlorophyll content, fruit yield and quality of hot pepper plants (Capsicum frutescens L.)CV Sina Hot.For this purpose, a field trial was carried out at the Experimental Farm of Faculty of Agricultural, Mansoura University during the summer season of 2020. The used experimental design is a split-plot design with three replicates included four compost rates i.e. control (without compost addition), 5, 10 and 15 m3 compost fed-1 are arranged in main plots and four foliar applications i.e. tap water (control), seaweed extract at 0.5 gL-1, yeast extract at 5 gL-1 and liquorice extract at 10 gL-1 are arranged in subplots. Findings show that all growth parameters i.e. plant height (cm), No. of leaves plant-1,leaf area (cm2 plant-1), fresh and dry weights (g plant-1),chlorophyll content i.e. Chl a, Chl b and Chl a+b (mg g-1 F.W), fruit yield i.e. average fruit weight (g), No. of fruits plant-1 and total yield (metric ton fed-1) and fruit quality parameters i.e. phenol and vitamin C (mg 100g-1), carotene (mg g-1 F.W), dry mater, TSS, N, P, K (%) and Fe (mg kg-1) of hot pepper plants significantly increase with the increase of added compost rate. Also, among the stimulants, it was found that 'seaweed extract ' is the best one. The yeast extract comes in the second-order followed by liquorice extract and lately tap water (control).