Sprinkler irrigation systems can be managed and designed by only conducting an individual sprinkler test in no wind conditions. The present work was conducted to study the effect of different operating pressures and riser heights to determine optimum operating conditions that achieve high application efficiency and wheat production in impact sprinkler system. The coefficient of uniformity (CU,%) was evaluated within the operating pressure range from 100 to 350 kPa, riser heights 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m, overlapped from 100 to 20% under square and triangular layouts sprinkler. It was concluded that the operating conditions that achieved high CU was operating pressure of 250 kPa and 1.5 m riser height for impact sprinkler. Information from individual sprinkler test was established to carry out the corresponding overlapping ranged from 20 to 100% in square and triangular layouts sprinkler. Optimal spacing between sprinklers was found to be as 50 to 70% from diameter of throw in square layout. It was found in range of 50 to 80% from diameter of throw in triangular layout sprinkler. The wheat yield was highly affected by water requirements (100, 80 and 60% ETc). The results showed that the average values of total grain and straw yield/fed, increased with increasing ETc from 60 to 100%. The highest yield was achieved with 100% ETc, while, WUE with 80% ETc was the highest value. It could be recommended to apply irrigation water to 100% ETc that has the highest yield of wheat under operating pressure of 250 kPa with good CU for impact sprinkler. On the other hand, adding 80% ETc applied gave the highest values was preferred when the priority to save on the applied water and increase water productivity. Also, layout spacing ≥ 50% from diameter of throw was recommended.