A field experiment was conducted in two locations at Bahtim Agricultural Research Station, Kaluobia Governorate during the winter growing season, 2006/2007 to study the effect of different phosphorus sources, i.e., single superphosphate & triple superphosphate and different nitrogen fertilizers sources (ammonium sulphate, calcium nitrate and urea) on grain, straw and biological yields as well as nutrients uptake of wheat plant variety (Giza 168).
Results can be summarized as follows:
Generally, the grain, straw and biological yield of wheat plants grown on non-saline soil was twice or more than that resulted from saline soil.
In non-saline soil, there was a significant higher for single superphosphate on biological yield, while triple superphosphate achieved high values of P and Mn uptake in biological yield. Meanwhile, no significant differences were observed between sources of phosphorus fertilizer on the other nutrients uptake in biological yield. The source of phosphorus fertilizer had no significant effect on grain and straw yields of wheat plants as well as nitrogen uptake & protein % in grain, also, N, P and K uptake in straw yield. While, there was a significant increase due to the application of triple superphosphate on P, K, Fe, Zn and Mn in grain yield as well as Mn uptake in straw yield. Regarding the interaction effect of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer sources, there was no clear trend due to most cases of nutrients uptake by grain and straw yield.
In saline soil, triple superphosphate gave the highest significant values in all parameters under study compared to single superphosphate. Concerning of nitrogen fertilizer sources, ammonium sulphate gave the highest significant values in most parameters under study compared to other nitrogen sources. Regarding the interaction effect between phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer sources, triple superphosphate with ammonium sulphate gave the highest values for the most parameters compared to other treatments.