A field experiments was carried out at EL-Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station, Gharbia Governorate during 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 seasons to study the effects of organic matter, irrigation levels and their interaction on yield and its components of wheat crop and some crop water relations.
To achieve these objectives, two organic matter levels, i.e. O1: Without addition of Farm Yard Manure (OFYM) and O2 With FYM at the rat of 20 m3fed-1. Three irrigation regimes, i.e. irrigation at (I1): 100%, (I2):70% and (I3):50% of water requirements. The treatments were arranged in a split- plot design with three replications.
The main obtained results as follows:
1-The addition of the farmyard manure m3 fed-1 resulted in highly significant effect on straw yield and number of grains spike-1, of wheat crop during season 2005/2006 and straw yield, number of spikes m-2, number of grains spike-1, grain weight spike-1 in 2006/2007 season.
2-The addition of the farmyard manure (20 m3 fad-1) resulted in significant effect on grain yield, number of spikes m-2, grain weight spike-1 in 2005/2006 and grain yield, and 1000 grain weight (g) in season 2006/2007.
3-The addition of the organic mater resulted in increasing water consumption use and water use efficiency.
4-The results demonstrate clearly that, irrigation regime at 100% I.W.R. leads to significant increases in most of the characters studied; grain yield and straw yield, , number of grains spike-1, number of spikes m-2, grain weight spike-1 and 1000 grain weight (g) of wheat crop during the two growing seasons.
5-There is significant interaction between the organic matter and irrigation regime where this interaction viewed in number of spikes m-2 and grain weight spike-1 in 2005/2006 season.
6-There is no significant interaction between the organic matter and irrigation regime where this interaction viewed in grain yield and straw yield, number of grains spike-1 and 1000 grain weight (g) both two seasons.
7-This study concluded that the best combination treatment was addition of organic matter 20 m3 fad-1 and the irrigation regime 100% I.W.R.