Authors were developed a planting and harvesting sugar beet machine. The machine was constructed to plant two rows and harvested one row. The planting mechanism was used brush metric device while the pulling and topping were the function of harvesting mechanism. The main goal of the present research is to test and evaluate the developed sugar beet machine performance. Operation costs for sugar beet planting and harvesting and to be suitable for the Egyptian farm conditions. The developing machine performance can be summarized as:
Planting mechanism was used to plant two rows of sugar seeds' and within planting operation formed three furrows using three shares of double mouldboard. The planting mechanism is brush wheel metric device. The machine capacity is one Fed./hr with total cost of 60 LE./Fed. .
Pulling mechanism is involved three main sugar beet harvester components namely, two appropriate shares for loosing the ridge structure around the roots, pulling out belt and a proper disk knife as a topping mechanism. Two opposite belts were constructed to push on leaves and pulling sugar roots and topping the leaves before crop was dropped on land surface. The machine harvesting capacity was 0.5 Fed/ hr, and total harvesting cost was 200-300 LE/hr.
The machine proper conditional performance were: Forward speed in both planting and harvesting operations were 1.5-2 km/h, and a 50-65 tractor can be used to operate the machine in both planting and harvesting operations.