The search was conducted for two successive seasons of 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 at PrivateFarmEl-SalhiaCity, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, (+7 m ultitude, 31o 06- Latitude and 31o 26- longitude) to investigate the effect of FYM application at 10,20 and 30 m3/fed.; irrigation water quantity at 1200,1800 and 2400 m3/fed. and antitranspirantsi.e. kaolin and Ca CO3 on vegetative growth, yield and its components, as well as chemical composition of globe artichoke plants .
The most important finding could be summarized as follows:
- Increasing farmyard manure levels from 10 to 30 m3 / fed. significantly increased vegetative growth of globe artichoke, yield and its chemicalcomponents N P K , inulin and total sugars. Increasing water quantity levels from 1200 to 2400 m3 / fed., significantly increased growth characters and chemical components as N P K, inulin and total sugars concentration.Also, The spraying with kaolin and Ca CO3 at 6 % led to significant increase in growth characters traits, NPK ,inulin and total sugar concentrations compared tom control .While, Proline content in leaves was observed under lower application of farmyard manure ,water quantity as well as received no antitranspirants.
- The interaction between farmyard manure at 30 m3 / fed. and water quantity at
1800 m3/fed. was superior treatment regarding growth characters andalso gave the highest values of chemical composition in both seasons. Also, interaction between farmyard manure at 30 m3 / fed. with kaolin 6 % was superior treatment for growth characters and gave the highest values of N P K ,inulin and sugar concentrations .On the other hand , interaction between water quantity 1800 or 2400m3 / fed. with kaolin at 6 % increased growth characters and gave the highest values of chemical composition. While, Proline content in leaves was observed under interaction of lower applicationfarmyard manure ,water quantity and no received antitranspirants.
- The interaction between farmyard manure at 30 m3/fed. and water quantity
1800 m3 / fed. as well as kaolin 6% gave the highest values of growth characters and N P K, inulin and total sugar concentrations. While, Proline content was obtained under application of farmyard manure at 10 m3 / fed., water quantity 1200 m3/fed. as well as received no antitranspirants (distilled water).
- Generally, it could be concluded that, application farmyard manure at 30 m3/fed., water quantity 1800 m3 / fed. and kaolin at 6 % was the best combination for globe artichoke production which resulted in maximum water use efficiency in this study.