A field experiment was conducted on a calcareous clay loamy and non calcareous sandy soils at Atfeh region, Giza Governorate to evaluate the effect of different organic materials, i.e., vinasse, (A1), farmyard manure FYM, (A2) town refuse compost (A3) and farm refuse compost (A4) applied at two rates of 5 and 10 ton fed.-1 just before maize planting on its shoots, grain and biological yields as well as uptake values of N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn by its shoot and grains.Wheat was grown in the same plots without any further application of the aforementioned organic materials to study their residual effect on straw, grain and biological yields as well as, uptake values of the abovementioned nutrients by straw and grain of wheat plant. Results showed that application of the used organic manures to both the studied soils increased values of the shoot, grain and biological yield s of maize compared to the control treatment. Also, values of N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn uptake by shoot and grain of maize plant increased as compared to the corresponding ones the control treatment. Also, increases in the uptake values. More pronounced at the higher rate of the applied organic materials. The highest values of the above mentioned parameters were achieved awing to vinasse (A1) application to the investigated soils. Similarly, values of shoots, grain and biological yields and total uptake of N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn by straw and grain of wheat plant achieved higher values than the corresponding ones of the control treatment due to the residual effect of the previously applied soil conditioners (organic material). The results also showed that the increases were more pronounced due to the higher rate of these conditioners. The highest values of straw, grains and biological yields of wheat grown on both calcareous clay loamy and non calcareous sandy soils were recorded for treatments previously FYM. The findings imply that the highest values of N and P-uptake by wheat plant were obtained due to residual effect of FYM in both the calcareous clay loamy and non calcareous sandy soils. However, the highest values of K-uptake by wheat plant were obtained due to application of vinasse in both the calcareous clay loamy and non calcareous sandy soils. On the other hand, the residual effect of farm refuse compost and FYM recorded the highest values of Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn uptake by straw of wheat plants grown on both the studied soils. Contrary to that the residual effect of FYM and farm refuse compost recorded the highest values of Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn uptake by grain of wheat plant grown on both the studied soils, respectively.