A filed experiment was carried out on a sandy loam soil at a newly reclaimed area of Sahl El-Tina, Galbana Village No.7, North Sinai, Egypt, during a growing summer season (2009) to study the effect of two techniques for management (Raised beds practice compared with traditional system Furrow row) of saline soil under different rates and forms of N-mineral fertilizers on soil chemical properties, growth, yield and yield component. The applied treatments were two cultural practices (Raised beds and Furrow rows) as well as three solid N-mineral fertilizer forms (i.e., Urea, Ammonium Nitrate and Ammonium sulfate which added at rates of 75 and 100% of the recommended dose (120 kg N fed-1). Maize (Zea mays L., Th. 321 cv.) was undertaken as plant indicator.
The obtained results indicated that the soil chemicals properties were improved under Raised beds conditions compared with traditional system (Furrow row), particularly in the root zone. The pH values were slightly reduced from 8.0 to 7.6 and 7.8. Also the electrical conductivity values (EC) were strongly reduced from 7.3 to 3.4 and 4.2 for Raised beds and Furrow row respectively. More or less similar trend was obtained for the soluble ions with the height reduction up to more than 50% approximately, particular for Cl- and Na+ in the maize root zone under Raised beds system. The role of Raised bed was positive for increase the soil content of available N up to 10.4%, but it was negative on values of available K while decreased up to 12.9% under the same conditions. On the other hand, the available N and K were increased relatively under addition of N forms, while, the rats of nitrogen addition was non-significant. The maize plant parameters such as leaves &stalks, grains nutritional status, grain yields, weight of 100 kernels and crude protein were recorded the best values with Raised beds planting as compared with the traditional practice (Furrow row).
In general, NUE (Nitrogen use efficiency) values below 60% include an increased risk of nitrogen losses and should be avoided in order to protect the environment at N application rates. Also, these values were increased or closed to level of balance in–and output approximately at low N application rates (90 kg.fed-1) under Raised beds practice technology compared with the traditional system (Furrow row), and the best values for NUE were 74.7 % when the ammonium sulfate addition compared with other N forms Thus, the addition rate of N recommended (120 kg.fed-1) for maize production dose not acceptable to saline studied soil.