The main objective of this investigation was to ameliorate calcareous soil properties, i.e., some hydrophysical and chemical properties of the sandy loam soil by using organic manure, i.e., composted rice straw at rate of 7.87 Mg f-1 +50%NPK and chicken manure at rate of 4.08 Mg f-1 +50%NPK as well as applying some agriculture methods, i.e., lines and prose for achieving the sustainable agriculture aspect. The field experiments were conducted in private farm of El Nubaria area, El-Behera Governorate, Egypt. Yield of wheat crop as well as the concentrations of micronutrient in straw and grains was determined.
Application of either composted rice straw or chicken manure significantly improved the hydrophysical properties of the tested soil, i.e., bulk density, total porosity, pore size distribution, soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity. Composted rice straw has a preference to improve the hydrophysical properties compared to chicken manure. In addition, methods of agriculture treatments had no significant effect on soil hydrophysical properties.Concerning the effect of organic fertilizers application along with applying lines agriculture on pH, ECe, OM and CaCO3 content and chemically available Fe, Mn, zn and Cu in the cultivated soil, chicken manure was better than composted rice straw.
Grain and straw yields of wheat plants as well as concentrations of Fe, Mn, zn and Cu in straw or in grains of wheat were significantly increased due to organic fertilizers application and use of lines agriculture methods. Lines agricultural method gave 5.70 % greater grain yield and 3.54 % straw yield over the prose agricultural method. Lines methods emphasized the role of applied organic manure on improving soil properties and consequently, increasing the availability of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in the calcareous soil. Where, lines agriculture method was the best treatments compared to prose method, which reduces the growth of roots and plant.
In general, the study recommends using the chicken manure
(4.08 Mg f-1+50% NPK "recommended rate") or composted rice straw (7.87 Mg f-1+ 50% NPK "recommended rate") with lines agriculture methods, which will give better results in increasing the productivity of calcareous soils. Thus, these treatments can replace entirely or partially N, P and K mineral fertilizers, which reduce production costs and conserve the environment from chemical pollution hazards on human and animal health.