A field experiment was carried out at Sakha Agric. Exp. Res. Sta., Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate Egypt (31o05' N latitude and 30o56' E longitude), in successive winter seasons 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 on wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Sakha 93 variety). Effects of foliar spraying of organic substances and micronutrients on wheat productivity, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), protein contents and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) were studied. Split plot design was used with four replicates; the main plots were assigned for three organic substances solutions (OS) treatments spraying:-: 1- without OS spraying (control). 2- humic acids spraying (HAs). 3- compost tea (CT) spraying. And the sub plots were assigned for five treatments of micronutrients spraying :-1- without micronutrients spraying (C) 2- copper (Cu) foliar spraying 3- zinc (Zn) foliar spraying 4- iron (Fe) foliar spraying and 5- micronutrients, Cu +Zn +Fe (M) foliar spraying.
The obtained results showed that: Humic acids (HAs) treatment had the highest mean values (5.61 and 5.88 Mg ha-1) of wheat grain in the first and second seasons, respectively. Treatment in the main plots affected wheat grain yield in the order: HA ≥ CT> control. Nevertheless, the interaction between micronutrients foliar spraying with HA had the order: HAs + M ≥ HAs + Cu ≥ HAs + Zn > HAs. Spraying of HA, Zn and Fe led to elevate N % and P % in grain yield. Also, Cu treatment without or with (OS) led to increase their content in straw yield.
Organic substances spraying insignificantly affected wheat straw yield. However, the higher value was obtained with HAs. HA Foliar spraying with Cu treatment had the highest mean value (9.73 Mg ha-1), in the first season. While the highest mean value (9.12 Mg ha-1) was recorded for HAs and C spraying in the second season. The higher mean values of N and protein content in grain yield were observed with application HAs. Nonetheless, HAs +Zn treatment in the first season and HAs +M treatment in the second season exhibited the higher value. Spraying of HA treatment led to increase P content in grain yield. Spraying (OS) affected N, P and protein contents of straw in the order: HAs > Control > CT, in both seasons. Copper spraying with or without HA led to increase N, P and protein content in straw yield in the both seasons.The lower mean values for N and protein contents were recorded for TC an /or TC+M. The higher mean values of NUE were obtained with HA spraying treatment and the interaction between HAs + M in both seasons.