Available rice husk was used to provide a good alternative source of highly active silica for the synthesis environmentally-friendly mineral zeolites. In this study, recycling waste material (rice husk) to produce a valuable product and a high quality of silicon oxide was obtained. The obtained product characterized by X-ray powder diffraction. Furthermore, it could be successfully used as a filter for reduction of organic and inorganic pollutants from aquatic media. Data showed that zeolite product from rice husk ash has high ability to adsorption of organic pollutants (benzene and phenol) and inorganic pollutants (Cd and Pb) from aquatic media. It was found that adsorption percentage of Cd and Pb using 1.0 g synthetic zeolite being in the following accending order: Pb2 (55.0%) < Cd2 (63.8%) < Pb1 (69.9%) < Cd1 (75.0%). However, the adsorption of organic pollutant using 1.0 g synthetic zeolite was in the following accending order: phenol2 (54.0%) < benzen2 (62.0%) < phenol1 (87.8%) < benzen1 (89.9%). Zeolite mineral product from rice husk ash represents a valid alternative to conventional approaches to pollutant compounds remediation, thanks to the good efficiency and to the low cost of the materials tested. Also, it is helping to reform and usefulness of rice waste.
rice husk, Zeolite, Seeding method, Ageing method, Highly active silica , water purification, waste utilization
Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt
Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt
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Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering
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